Massage Therapy at Vital Balance
We specialize in the following therapeutic techniques that can be combined to create a customized session for your needs:
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage targets the deeper layers of muscle and connective tissue. The massage therapist uses slower strokes or friction techniques across the grain of the muscle. Deep tissue massage is used for chronically tight or painful muscles, repetitive strain, postural problems, or recovery from injury. Additionally, facilitated stretching helps to loosen muscles and increase flexibility during a massage. Clients can often feel sore for one to two days after deep tissue massage.
Ashiatsu Deepfeet Bar Therapy®
Ashiatsu is a deep compression barefoot massage with the therapist utilizing parallel bars on the ceiling for balance and support. This massage is like no other massage you have ever experienced! The continuous deep tissue strokes that the therapist is able to deliver with the foot covers comparatively larger areas at once than with the hands. The broad surface of the foot allows for deeper compression that is smooth and comfortable, not bony or prodding like using an elbow, knuckle or thumb. Ashiatsu is perfect for the person who may suffer from chronic back, shoulder or hip pain, scoliosis, or for those who just love deep work but just cannot seem to find a therapist that delivers. It's also extremely effective for treatment and prevention of injuries, increasing range of motion, faster recovery and long lasting results.
Swedish Massage
This is the most common type of massage therapy in the United States. Massage therapists use long smooth strokes, kneading, and circular movements on superficial layers of muscle using massage lotion or oil. Swedish massage therapy can be very gentle and relaxing. If you've never had massage before and just want to relax, this is a good one to try first.
Prenatal Massage
Becoming increasingly popular with expectant mothers. Massage therapists who are certified in prenatal massage know the proper way to position and support the woman's body during the massage, and how to modify techniques to keep the mother and baby safe. Pregnancy massage is used to reduce stress, decrease swelling, relieve aches and pains, and reduce anxiety and depression. The massage is customized to a woman's individual needs. A happy mommy means a happy baby!
*Vital Balance provides specialized cushions that allow the client to lay face down comfortably for lower back pain relief! Ahhhh...
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization
A stainless steel tool is used to break up adhesions that form within the connective tissues from injury or repetitive stress. These adhesions (or scar tissue) can limit range of motion and lead to faulty movement and pain. The therapy is not relaxing and may cause slight bruising, but it is very effective at initiating the body's natural healing response to heal the damaged tissue.
Elastic Therapeutic Tape
This flexible, breathable, non latex, cotton tape has been made popular recently by Olympic athletes, but Kinesio-tape has helped many people escape chronic pain and support their muscles and joints. The benefits include increased range of motion, muscle and joint support, muscle inhibition or facilitation and decreased swelling and pain. The tape can provide relief for up to 5 days.